Boarding Your Large Dog: How To Make Them More Comfortable

Owning a large dog such as a Pyranees, Great Dane, Saint Bernard, or even a large mixed breed can be a real challenge when it comes to boarding. Your dog will likely not take well to being placed in a kennel for long periods of time in a strange place, even if they are used to being kenneled during the day when you are away from home. Since larger dogs can cause a lot of distraction and destruction, even for professional dog handlers and boarders, you want to make sure you choose a facility that can help make them more comfortable.

Going In For Surgery Soon? Get Boarding For Your Dog With Certain Offerings

People typically take their dog in for boarding when they go on vacation or a business trip. But, you might have a somewhat unique situation in which you are getting a surgical operation that requires an extended stay in a hospital. Instead of trying to make do with having your dog stay at home, you can enjoy peace of mind by finding a boarding facility, such as Doggie Daycare & Motel, that will take them in and provide a number of key offerings.

Boarding Your Anxious Dog: What You Can Do

Owning an anxious dog who gets nervous being out of your sight isn't that huge of an annoyance until you need to go out of town and have them boarded for a few days. Then you begin to worry about your poor pooch and how they are going to cope without you. When boarding an anxious pet, keep in mind that any reputable boarding facility has likely dealt with all kinds of animal behaviors, from chewers to barkers to anxious, panicky dogs.

4 Tips To Help Your Dog Transition Comfortably When Dropping Off For Dog Boarding

If you need to leave to go on vacation, then you probably don't want to leave your dog at home. Dogs need constant attention and when you are away and not able to provide it, your dog can become lonely and even act a bit differently when you come home. The best option would be to take your dog to a dog boarding facility where your dog will receive attention from the caregivers there, as well as be able to socialize with the other dogs staying there.