Boarding Your Large Dog: How To Make Them More Comfortable

Owning a large dog such as a Pyranees, Great Dane, Saint Bernard, or even a large mixed breed can be a real challenge when it comes to boarding. Your dog will likely not take well to being placed in a kennel for long periods of time in a strange place, even if they are used to being kenneled during the day when you are away from home. Since larger dogs can cause a lot of distraction and destruction, even for professional dog handlers and boarders, you want to make sure you choose a facility that can help make them more comfortable. Here are ways you can bring your large dog comfort while they are being boarded.

Consider tranquilizers

Your dog's vet can prescribe mild relaxing tranquilizers to help your dog remain calm and less anxious or hyper while they are being transported. These tranquilizers don't knock your dog out, they simply calm them down which can keep them from causing damage or harming themselves when they are placed in a kennel outside your care. This is a route you want to take if you have a particularly anxious breed of dog, such as a Boxer or Doberman that may experience severe separation anxiety when you leave them behind.

In addition to calming medication that staff at the boarding facility can monitor for your dog, you can leave your large canine with comforts of home to help them relax: blankets, favorite toys, or your pillowcase carrying your scent.

Choose outdoor boarding

If your dog is used to spending most of their time outside, it makes sense to choose a kennel outdoors, such as with Canine Country Quarters, as well. These larger kennels face the grounds of the boarding facility and have shelter above them and a concrete pad for flooring, preventing your dog from escaping. Your dog can keep boredom at bay by having large space to roam around in and plenty of sights, smells, and sounds to keep them entertained. The outdoor-facing kennel has a door opening for feeding and walking your dog regularly.

Most kennel facilities that offer outdoor boarding also have an on-site exercise area that your dog will be able to participate in using. Ask the staff if your dog can have extra walks or exercise for an added fee so you know they are getting plenty of activity to keep them comfortable.

You want your dog to be happy and content while you are gone. With a larger dog you may have to make additional considerations, but you can successfully board them if you do what you can to keep them calm.
